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A Case for Hope

Updated: Oct 6, 2023

Letter from Alex Steinman

Founder & Principal

Dear Friends,

I am eager to share the below Case for Support with you because I believe Harambee’s work is more important than ever.

For the past year, we have communicated at length about the severity of pandemic-related learning loss on students, especially those from economically-disadvantaged communities. New research also confirms that our young people are experiencing unprecedented emotional despair. Post-pandemic, a staggering number of students echo thoughts like, “I can’t do anything right. My life is not useful. I do not enjoy life.”

Students today need more than academic intervention. They need the love of God and a community that will surround them with holistic care beyond the classroom.

This is why Harambee exists. It is our heartbeat.

Recently, Ohio passed a budget that expands access and value to the EdChoice Scholarship. This is a tremendous win for students like ours. However, inflation and soaring healthcare costs risk strangling our ability to expand impact.

We need your help. During the 2023-24 school year, our goal is to raise $500,000 in individual donations to ensure students in need can receive a life changing education at no cost. This reflects a $50,000 increase over last year's goal. We also aim to recruit 60 volunteers who can help provide the academic and spiritual support our students need to thrive.

I invite you to read through Harambee’s 2023-24 Case for Support and prayerfully consider how you might become a champion for the cause. Together, we can provide opportunity for Columbus’ inner city youth.

With love, gratitude, and hope,

Alex Steinman Harambee Founder and Principal

Access the Case for Support Below



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